APRIL 22 - MAY 3, 2025


Rome, Pompeii, & Amalfi

A 12-Day Pilgrimage during the Jubilee Year

April 22 - May 3, 2025

Starting at $3,805


Join Fr. David Thomas on this beautiful journey through Italy during the Jubilee Year! Spend eight nights in Rome and visit St. Peter’s Basilica, St. Mary Major, St. John Lateran, and much, much more. Walk through the Jubilee doors to receive the Jubilee plenary indulgence. Render homage to Our Lady of Pompeii at her shrine near Pompeii, and visit the ancient ruins of the city. Stop by Montecassino, as well as Subiaco to visit sites related to Sts. Benedict and Scholastica. Take an excursion to the medieval town of Assisi to render homage to St. Francis and St. Clare. Spend two nights on the Amalfi Coast, enjoy the beautiful views, and take a ferry ride to Amalfi to visit the remains of St. Andrew and of St. Mathew in Salerno. Venerate Our Lady of Good Counsel in Genazzano. Benefit from daily Mass, and enjoy the safety and ease of group travel with fellow traditional Catholics!


Rome: St. Peter’s Basilica, St. Mary Major, St. John Lateran, Scala Santa, Il Gesu, St. Ignatius Church, Santa Maria sopra Minerva, St. Sebastian outside the Walls, the Colosseum, and much more

Assisi: St. Francis and St. Clare, St. Mary of the Angels Basilica

Montecassino: Sites related to Sts. Benedict and Scholastica

Genazzano: Our Lady of Good Counsel

Pompeii: Our Lady of Pompeii, the ancient ruins of Pompeii

Amalfi: Paradise Cloister, St. Andrew, the Amalfi Coast

Salerno: St. Matthew, Pope St. Gregory VII



Day 1. Tuesday, April 22: Transatlantic flight to Rome

Take your outbound flight to Rome (FCO).

Day 2. Wednesday, April 23: Rome

Upon your arrival in Rome, head to St. Peter’s Basilica, the world’s largest church and the center of Christianity. The church is built on the site where St. Peter died a martyr and where he was buried in 64 AD. Walk through the massive, jubilee doors to gain the Jubilee Year plenary indulgence, touch the beloved statue of St. Peter, and admire Michelangelo’s Pieta. Pray before the incorrupt body of St. Pius X and render homage to the many buried popes. Visit also the Treasury, which contains church ornaments, statues, papal miters, and various objects, usually gifts of kings or princes. Then, check into your hotel for Mass, a welcome dinner, and overnight in Rome. (WD)

Day 3. Thursday, April 24: Rome

This morning, begin your visits to four of the major basilicas by heading to the Basilica of St. Lawrence Outside the Walls, erected directly over St. Lawrence’s tomb and also housing the relics of the first martyr, St. Stephen. Next, visit the Basilica Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, which contains fragments of the true Cross, a nail, two thorns from Christ’s crown, a piece of the sponge that was offered to Him, a fragment of the scroll that hung on the Cross, and one of the 30 coins of Judas. Earth from Calvary lies beneath the floor. Then, admire the mother of all churches, St. John Lateran, the Pope’s basilica, from which he makes solemn declarations ex cathedra. Nearby, visit the Scala Santa, the sacred stairs upon which Our Lord walked after His scourging. In some places, stains of the Precious Blood could still be seen. After lunch, visit the Basilica of St. Mary Major, housing two of Christianity’s greatest treasures: the manger from Bethlehem in which the Baby Jesus was laid following His birth, and a painting of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Salvation of the Roman people. The basilica was built on the site where a miraculous snowfall occurred in August of 356. Finally, visit the Colosseum, Rome’s historical symbol and greatest amphitheater which staged deadly combats for many years. Take in the rest of afternoon at leisure with dinner and overnight in Rome. (BB, D)


Day 4. Friday, April 25: Rome

Today, enjoy a walking tour of downtown Rome beginning with the Spanish Steps, in the heart of the Piazza di Spagna. Head to the Church of Sant’Andrea delle Fratte, where St. Maximilian Kolbe celebrated his first Mass and Alphonse Ratisbonne’s conversion took place, and then visit SS. Apostoli. Continue to Il Gesu, the Jesuit Mother Church and the headquarters chosen by St. Ignatius shortly after he founded the Society of Jesus in 1540. Continue to St. Ignatius Church to venerate the relics of St. Aloysius Gonzaga, St. John Berchmans, and St. Robert Bellarmine. Here, also visit the rooms of St. Aloysius. Next to this church are the rooms of St. Ignatius. Have lunch on your own. Finally, in the Curch of Santa Maria sopra Minerva, one of the few Gothic structures in Italy, which houses the tomb of St. Catherine of Siena, patron saint of Italy., pray before her relics; a devotional chapel made from the room where she died can be visited by entering the sacristy. Take the rest of the afternoon at leisure and then dinner and overnight in Rome. (BB, D)


Day 5. Saturday, April 26: Rome

This morning, at the Vatican Museums, see the famous collection of art and sculptures from centuries of Church history, including the Sistine Chapel and the Raphael Rooms. Take an exclusive Scavi Tour of the Vatican necroplis, the excavations under the Vatican where the bones of St. Peter were discovered in the 1950s. Only 250 people are allowed to visit per day. Then have lunch on your own. Afterwards, see the Basilica of St. Sebastian Outside the Walls, which enshrines the relics of St. Sebastian. In this church also, St. Philip Neri beheld a sphere of fire entering his heart, which enlarged it, and cracked his ribs. Afterwards, visit the catacombs of St. Callixtus, the burial place of early Christians including many saints from the time of the early Church. Dinner and overnight in Rome. (BB, D)

Day 6. Sunday, April 27: Rome

Today, visit Tre Fontane Abbey, where St. Paul the Apostle was beheaded. Continue to the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls, originally founded by Emperor Constantine in the 4th century to house the Apostle’s relics. Then, attend the Pope’s weekly Sunday Papal blessing. Enjoy a free afternoon at leisure, dinner on your own, and overnight in Rome. (BB)

Day 7. Monday, April 28: Rome: Montecassino - Pompeii - Vietri Sul Mare

Today, travel south towards Amalfi. En route, stop at Montecassino for a visit to its spectacular Abbey, the mother church of the Benedictine Order and a center of medieval art founded in 529 by St. Benedict, patron saint of Europe. Have lunch on your own. Continue to Pompeii for a guided tour of the Roman city both destroyed and preserved by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD. Visit the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Pompeii, the greatest Rosary shrine in the world that was founded and built by a former devil worshiper, Bl. Bartolo Longo. Continue to Vietri sul Mare, for dinner and overnight. (BB, D)

Day 8. Tuesday, April 29: Vietri Sul Mare: Amalfi

This morning, enjoy a coastal view of the Amalfi Coast, when a ferry transfers you to the town of Amalfi, the coast’s largest town and a popular resort. It was a maritime power before being subdued in 1131 by King Roger of Naples. The 13th-century Paradise Cloister flanks the Duomo that contains the relics of St. Andrew the Apostle. After some free time in Amalfi and lunch on your own, continue to Salerno to pray before the relics of the Apostle St. Mathew and Pope St. Gregory VII in the cathedral. Dinner and overnight in Vietri Sul Mare. (BB, D) 

Day 9. Wednesday, April 30: Vietri Sul Mare - Subiaco - Rome

Travel back to Rome after a leisurely morning, visiting Subiaco on the way. In Subiaco, pay homage to St. Benedict and his sister St. Scholastica by having a guided visit of their monasteries, including the ancient library. After lunch on your own, enjoy free time in Rome upon your arrival back. Have dinner on your own and overnight in Rome. (BB)

Day 10. Thursday, May 1: Rome: Excursion to Assisi

This morning, travel to the medieval town of Assisi. After lunch on your own, visit St. Mary of the Angels Basilica, housing the Porziuncola Chapel, where St. Francis spent most of his life; the rose bush; and the cave where the saint retired for prayer. Then visit the 13th-century Basilica of St. Francis, housing his relics. Then pay homage to St. Clare at her Basilica. Finally, return to Rome for dinner and overnight. (BB, D)

Day 11. Friday, May 2: Rome: Excursion to Genazanno

Today’s excursion will take you to Genazzano to venerate Our Lady of Good Counsel. This miraculous image traveled from Albania, crossed the Adriatic Sea, and descended onto one of the church’s unfinished walls. The portrait is suspended in the air and has been so for over 500 years. Upon your return to Rome, have lunch on your own, and then take the rest of the day at your leisure. Tonight, enjoy a farewell dinner to celebrate the success of a wonderful pilgrimage. Overnight in Rome. (BB, FD)

Day 12. Saturday, May 3: Homebound flight

Transfer to Rome’s airport for your flight back home.


Buffet Breakfast (BB); Dinner (D); Welcome Dinner (WD); Farewell Dinner (FD)

* In case of unforeseen events, this itinerary is subject to change.



Father David Thomas hails from Post Falls, Idaho but at a young age moved to Saint Mary's, Kansas, where he attended all twelve years of school at St. Mary's Academy. After his high school graduation in 1998, he entered St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary and was ordained on June 19, 2004. Since then, he has been stationed in Sanford, Florida; Ridgefield, Connecticut; Ireland; and at the SSPX Priory in South Africa. He currently resides in Sanford, Florida.



At the present time, there are no travel restrictions for US tourists arriving into Italy. Neither on their return to the US.



Accommodations for this pilgrimage are in first-class hotels. 

Rooms in double occupancy are for two people to share; they have two twin beds or one double bed. Rooms in single occupancy have a single bed and are for one person to occupy; a “single supplement fee” is added for single occupancy rooms.

Rome (5 nights): BW President or BW Universo or similar.

Vietri Sul Mare (2 nights): Hotel La Lucertola or similar.

Rome (3 nights): BW President or BW Universo or similar.



The group air reservation was made with United Airlines (UA). The roundtrip flights to Rome (FCO) departs from Chicago O’Hare (ORD) airport. Please do not purchase any connecting domestic or independent international air tickets until we advise that the group is fully formed with a minimum of 25 travelers. The group air schedule could change frequently, if a major change occurs, we will modify the flight schedule.

The group flight schedule is as follows:

UA970 22APR ORD-FCO 3:40P 7:55A 23APR

UA971 03MAY FCO-ORD 9:45A 1:05P 03MAY




The pace for this pilgrimage is “on the go”.. There is daily walking and standing. Pilgrims must be in active enough condition to walk 3-4 hours and stand for 2-3 hours per day. We strongly recommend preparing oneself by walking before the trip, building up to at least 2-3 miles per day.

Sometimes walking is up or down slopes, and at times sidewalks and terrain will be uneven. Pilgrims must have full mobility and be able to climb several stairs, since many of the visited places have no other access. A certain pace must be kept by all pilgrims in order to cover the scheduled sightseeing. Some days may have several hours on the motor-coach.

Also see the “PHYSICAL HEALTH & FITNESS” section in the General Terms & Conditions.



  • Pilgrimage price per person (pp) with air from Chicago (ORD): $4,655 (includes estimated air taxes & surcharges of $520 as of July 2024, subject to change)

  • Land-only pilgrimage price in double occupancy: $3,805 pp 

  • Single supplement: $1,110

  • Non-refundable deposit of $250 pp is due by: January 18, 2025

  • Balance due by: February 21, 2025

Please do not purchase any connecting domestic or independent international air tickets until we advise that the group is fully formed with a minimum of 25 travelers.


  • Scheduled roundtrip transatlantic flight Chicago (ORD)-Rome (FCO)

  • Accommodations in first-class hotels

  • Daily Holy Mass

  • Deluxe motor-coach for scheduled transfers and sightseeing

  • Daily meals per the itinerary

  • Services of a professional English-speaking tour escort

  • Admission fees for all included sightseeing

  • Porterage for one suitcase per person at the hotels

  • Service charges, government fees

    What’s not included:

  • Travel insurance

  • Gratuities to tour escort, local guides, driver, and church stipends

Also see the “NOT INCLUDED” section in the General Terms & Conditions.